Aerial View
MBLA were commissioned to generate masterplan rationalisation of the Ilford photographic processing plant and to create of a vision for residual brownfield land presented in an outline planning application for a mixed use development.
Ilford photographic have links with the Cheshire village of Mobberley going back over 100 years. In 1980, the main business moved from Essex to the 45 acre site creating a campus style manufacturing and distribution facility. The layout is now inefficient and in land use terms the industrial complex dominates the village. The options study undertaken by MBLA creates an efficient arrangement of new and existing buildings and releases 20 acres of brownfield land capable of addressing the need for housing within the Borough that is identified in the Regional Spatial Strategy.
The masterplan was developed with community involvement reflecting a shared vision and strategy for a sustainable pattern of development for the mixed use site. A new community will be established in this unique rural setting with the layout and architecture being of its time but informed by the scale form and materials of the locality.
